Friday, April 26, 2013
Bare Platypus: Nudity – Therapy for Autism?
Bare Platypus: Nudity – Therapy for Autism?: This week alarming new statistics about autism made headlines. According to the latest release, about one in eighty-eight children will ...
Thursday, April 25, 2013
writing as jo(e): Conference tradition: the nude photo
writing as jo(e): Conference tradition: the nude photo: At the conference I just attended, most of my friends are guys. This in itself is not such a bad thing. It means, for instance, that I nev...
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Slayerx1010: Pro-Nudism Quotes
Slayerx1010: Pro-Nudism Quotes: This page is loaded with quotes for non-sexual nudity and is always being updated with new quotes. Each quote will be under a specified ca...
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Bare Platypus: Creative Skinny Dipping
Bare Platypus: Creative Skinny Dipping: Summer is coming and, for those of a nudist mindset, it definitely means getting in some skinny-dipping. Some of us are fortunate e...
nagistylzycia: nudyzm a depilacja
nagistylzycia: nudyzm a depilacja: uwazam , ze o cialo ktore pokazuje sie mniej lub bardziej publicznie nalezy zadbac nie tylko w wymiarze czysto higienicznym ...
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Noah Parrell: Nude photographers
Noah Parrell: Nude photographers: What could be better than a naked photographer taking pictures, especially when the subject is a naked man? Enjoy. ...
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Female Naturist: Tips for Visiting a Nude Beach for the First Time
Female Naturist: Tips for Visiting a Nude Beach for the First Time: Why You Should Visit A Nude Beach You’re probably saying to yourself, “I’d never go to a nude beach because…I’m too hairy, fat, thin, shy...
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Bare Platypus: Bare Boating
Bare Platypus: Bare Boating: Summer is coming, and what better topic for summer than boating fun? Or, more specifically, bare boating! The Platypus has never had occa...
Croquis: This is my usual yoga pose
Croquis: This is my usual yoga pose: The yoga pose Latest News on Yoga: Loading latest news for Yoga pose...
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Nudist Chronicles (Journal): Nudist Reading
Nudist Chronicles (Journal): Nudist Reading: Reading in the nude is great, I'd like to start off by saying that. It's an interesting way of being as real as possible, whilst yo...
Bare Platypus: Corporate Nudity Bans More Harmful Than Laws?
Bare Platypus: Corporate Nudity Bans More Harmful Than Laws?: MORE THAN fifty years ago, nudist leaders had to take US Postal authorities all the way to the Supreme Court to establish the right to send ...
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Croquis: Male model today
Croquis: Male model today: Today's model is Arthur, he is a carpenter from Arlöv
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Nudist Chronicles (Journal): Nudist Reading
Nudist Chronicles (Journal): Nudist Reading: Reading in the nude is great, I'd like to start off by saying that. It's an interesting way of being as real as possible, whilst yo...
Nude Scribe: Nude Physics 3: Luminosity
Nude Scribe: Nude Physics 3: Luminosity: I'm neither physicist nor physician, so it's only with a bit of creative license that I'm exploring, in this series of posts, ce...
Friday, April 12, 2013
Geek au naturel: Pour information... piscine naturiste
Geek au naturel: Pour information... piscine naturiste: L'Association des Naturistes Parisiens (l'ANP) organise chaque semaine, les lundis, mercredis et vendredis une soirée naturis...
Croquis: How to juggle a Soccer Ball
Croquis: How to juggle a Soccer Ball: She treated the ball like a professional
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Bare Platypus: New Platypus Poll Question Asks About Potential Nu...
Bare Platypus: New Platypus Poll Question Asks About Potential Nu...: Check out our new poll, which will run through the end of May 2013. Tell us about who in your life could soon be a nudist. You can select...
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Croquis: I wish i were on the beach
Croquis: I wish i were on the beach: Today's model Anita would rather be on the beach
nagistylzycia: no wreszcie...
nagistylzycia: no wreszcie...: tak dlugo wyczekiwana wiosna w calej Europie wreszcie zaczela majaczyc na horyzoncie , prognozy zapowiadaja juz od poczatku przyszleg...
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Bare Platypus: We Raised 4 Kids as Nudists
Bare Platypus: We Raised 4 Kids as Nudists: THERE HAS been a lot of discussion over the past several weeks about child admission policies at Desert Sun resort in Palm Springs, Californ...
Friday, April 5, 2013
Croquis: The roller skater from Bruges
Croquis: The roller skater from Bruges: Her name is Nicoline and she is a roller skater from Bruges
Croquis: I'm going hiking with a body builder
Croquis: I'm going hiking with a body builder: Me and my boyfriend are going hiking. Last year I had to carry his backpack the last miles
Croquis: The Shot Putter
Croquis: The Shot Putter: The Shot putter Shotput The shot put is a track and field event involving "throwing"/"putting" (throwing in a push...
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Nude Scribe: Nude Physics 2: Torque
Nude Scribe: Nude Physics 2: Torque: When we move our nude bodies, we experience a range of motion greater than when we are clothed. It might be a difference of just a few milli...
The Nudist Journey: Random thought
The Nudist Journey: Random thought: Imagine you have been hiding from your family and friends the fact that you are a nudist. It has been so for many years and something you wi...
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
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