Bearded naked yogi is a clothes free yogi,we think you should know! Anyone who is in the online naked yoga space will have run across Beard naked yogi. He regularly posts about his international naked yoga retreats. What we observed is an excellent expression of naked yoga in the tradition of Hatha Yoga. This is what makes Bearded naked yogi a clothes free yogi we think you should know. What follows is our conversation with Bearded naked yogi we hope you enjoy learning about him and his yoga practice as much we did.
CFL- How long have you been practicing yoga?
BNY - I have been practicing yoga and meditation for over 10 years and teaching for 6 years.
CFL- How did you get started with yoga?
BNY - Yoga had always been something on my radar - I took my first class in 2013 and was immediately inspired by the practice and the change I could immediately feel in my body and mind. It sounds like a cliche, but it was a deeply moving and life-changing experience and I knew immediately it was the right thing for me to pursue as a practice. >CFL- Are you a certified yoga instructor? Do you teach a particular style?
BNY - Yes, I am a certified instructor of both yoga and meditation. I am certified in teaching traditional Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra. I am also certified to teach Atma Kriya meditation, the ancient yogic technique of 'meditation upon the Self'.
CFL- What kind of yoga do you teach?
BNY - All of my classes are rooted in the historical tradition of yoga and are accessible to everyone, regardless of if they are a complete beginner or have been practicing yoga for years. My classes are taught with lots of clear instruction and demonstration of the poses, with an awareness of each person's capability and ability within the class - there is room for everyone!
CFL- Where are your classes available?
BNY - I travel all over Europe teaching events and retreats, so my regular weekly teaching schedule is available exclusively online and taught via Zoom.
I also teach different courses online, such as The Beginners Course in Meditation and Mindfulness, a practice which is very dear to my heart, and I am looking forward to delivering my first meditation retreat later in 2023.
CFL- Tell our readers about your personal approach your individual yoga practice? How often to you go on the mat for yourself? Do you have a favorite yoga pose?
BNY - My personal approach to yoga is one that sees yoga as a path of liberation for ourselves. This liberation comes through a practice of self-inquiry and self-understanding that is achieved through the practice of movement, discipline, correct breathing techniques and various practices of meditation that bring a great sense of peace and calm into my existence and how I perceive myself and the world around me of which I am part.
I go onto my mat every day, whether it is for physical practice (asana postures), or for meditation or breathing exercises.
I would say that Triangle Pose (utthita trikonasana) is my favourite physical pose - it is just such a wonderful experience for the body.

CFL- Share some information about the yoga retreats you lead? Who are they for? Where are they held? What do they cost?
BNY - I teach many different retreats throughout the year in many different locations - Mallorca (where I live), Andalucia, the Canary Islands, the United Kingdom, Greece and Turkey. At the moment, my naked retreats are for men and those who identify as men, bringing together diverse groups from across the world. In 2023, I begin teaching mixed naked retreats for all genders on Fuerteventura in partnership with BHH Naturist Resort as well as mixed online classes and this is something I am very excited about for the future.
My retreats start from €795 per person and prices very much depend on location. All of my retreats take place in spectacular locations which are personally approved, are fully inclusive with expert naked chefs and provide a wonderful opportunity for people to come together and enjoy a truly relaxing experience away from our everyday lives.
Guests can also enjoy massages and treatments by different qualified therapists as well as experience the extraordinary power of sound healing, which uses crystal and Tibetan singing bowls to create an aural sound bath for the body and mind.
CFL- Is there anything else that you would like to share with our readers?
BNY - If yoga is something that interests your readers, then I would say simply "just begin" - some people resonate with the practice and love it; some people don't - but we never know until we try.
It is a fantastic and proven method of physical movement and mindfulness that reduces stress, increases a sense of wellbeing and can really help us connect with our bodies in a deep and meaningful way - with a little time and a little practice, you'll discover the magic of yoga and your life will change for the better.
Your readers can keep up to date by joining my website and receiving period newsletters about events, classes, retreats and my musings upon yogic philosophy - it would be great to have them onboard! (www.thebeardednakedyogi.com). I can also be found on Instagram (@thebeardednakedyogi) and Twitter (@BeardedNaked)