The recent SFFB Association newsletter suggest that there are efforts underway to push the organization out of involvement at Haulover Beach in Miami Florida. Elected officials in the Sunshine state are creating some gloom about the organization's involvement in maintenance of the beach.
Much has changed in the past year. Some of it is of considerable concern. We were very close to having an authorized shade structure and storage box permanently on Haulover Beach so that any Beach Ambassador or South Florida Free Beaches (SFFB) Board member could set up an information table without heavy lifting and carrying. But someone high up in county government shut us down and tore out our thousand-hour installation efforts! Three Board members met with then-County Commissioner Sally Heyman, who declared we would never have a structure set up on the beach! This was after the previous park manager had given us full permission to build it.
It seems a park manager has also said elected officials do not want a presence of SFFB beach ambassadors at Haulover. SFFB's Ppesident, is seeking clarification from the park manager In the mean time Beach Ambassadors will continue to walk the beach, and keep SFFB's name a part of the Haulover experience for beach patrons.
Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces placed a permanent park ranger presence on Haulover Beach. They seem to want to preserve the wholesome, naturist status of the beach, but we don't know if they hope for us to lower our guard before they clamp down. Read the full newsletter.
Support SFFB join or renew your membership in South Florida Free Beaches to keep Haulover Beach nude, for just 67¢ per week.
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