Nudism is often seen as taboo, and many people are against it because they believe that Nudism is mainly into sex. However, nudists have been trying to change this view for a while.
Nudism and Exhibitionism are two distinct practices that often get confused with each other. Nudism is the practice of going nude in public or private spaces, while Exhibitionism is the practice of exposing oneself to others for sexual gratification (in many cases). Both practices have their pros and cons, which need to be explored in order to understand them better.
Nudism is often seen as a liberating experience that allows people to feel free from the constraints of clothing and social norms. It can also be a way for people to reconnect with nature, create meaningful connections with others, and even boost self-confidence. Some nudists take this further step by revolutionizing nudity as a slap on the face of all authoritarian regimes and patriarchal and religious societies.
Continue to source: https://justnaturism.com/the-power-of-nudism-and-why-it-has-nothing-to-do-with-showing-off-your-genitals/
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