Now that we have discussed and opined about the challenges facing the naturist community, it is time to think about a way forward. A few have already started to think about this and the suggested options run the gamut. From the status quo to a call for new leadership and different social connections. All of these represent the reasoned thinking of some very earnest and genuine naturist people. I propose a way forward grounded in the way societies evolve, and manage change. It is a big tent approach. This is a metaphor for an intersectional, inclusive ethical approach to naturism. There are several issues to consider if the big tent naturism is to be realized.
social fragmentation

Another related social phenomenon is a lack of institutional trust. Individuals no longer trust social institutions. Large social groups are no longer considered the best way to interact socially instead people tend to interact mostly with people in "circle" and the people they have "friended". Young people hang out with young people, geeks with geeks, fashionistas with fashionistas, natourists with natourists and so on.
This leads to the result that socially we don't interact with many people who are different from us. The available technology makes it possible for us to maintain these narrow social connections. Lost in the process is the art of social discourse with people different from us and the skill of compromise. True common ground is largely invisible.

These social phenomena exist in the naturist community. So what should we do? My opinion. Get a big tent! The big tent is a metaphor for how the naturist community could organize for maximum benefit moving forward. Here's why
the case for big tent naturism
tents are flexible coverings.

It is therefore necessary to understand naturism as a new system of production of values
1. The rehabilitation of the human body
2. The vital need for close contact with nature
3. The ability to self-control
4. The management of looks (the gaze)
5. Non-discrimination
6. Naturism as a laboratory of democracy
Marc Alain Descamps
The reality is the day of the static status quo institutional grouping is gone. Big tent naturism is dynamic and flexible, Some people will be on the outer ring of the tent near the entrance. Others will be further in. Still others will be at the center the tent beneath the peak. Big tent naturism holds space for a variety of people who want to be socially engaged connected and protected.
Tents are portable.

tents are cooperative
Big tent naturism is cooperative. Establishing and maintaining a big tent requires many hands. There is a job for everyone. These different roles which maximize the strengths, interest and passions of individuals . Individuals choose how they can use their skills, interests and passion in the big tent. But the individuals work together with other for the common good. Marc Alain Descamps cautions against a kind of toxic individuality that abandons the cooperative common good for only individual interests
The nihilist position declares that naturism "is nothing", "especially not a philosophy", "everyone lives their naturism as they see fit". Which means "we have nothing in common, let me do whatever I want, I pretend, not seen not taken". There are always men (and women) to repeat it over and over and write it down without embarrassment. And we have to understand what they mean by that. If everyone lived as they saw fit participating in an orchestra or driving a car, it would be a catastrophic failure. - Marc Alain Descamps

What do you think of big tent naturism? Is it an idea whose time has come? Does the current naturist community have a big enough tent. Bare your thoughts in the comments
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