Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Craven Walker

Craven Walker the inventor of the popular sixties home decor item the lava lamp was also a integral figure in British Naturism. [ref] Lava Lamp & Naturism[/ref] Walker the founder Crestworth Ltd designed  the original  lava lamp in 1963. He adopted naturism after a visit to the French naturist island, Isle du Levant. On his return to England he searched for a naturist club where he could enjoy the naturist way of life, finding Spielplatz in St. Albans. After joining the club and becoming a regular Walker became acquainted with another member Elizabeth. An avid photographer he took to take photographs of Elizabeth the best of which were sent and published in H+E (Health and Efficiency ) magazine. Elizabeth considered an ambassador of British Naturism also starred in Walkers naturist films. [ref]EDWARD CRAVEN WALKER (1918- 2000) [/ref] Walker's wife was not as enamored with the naturist life as he was. Walker made several films the most notable of which is the pseudo documentary nudist film Traveling Light. Using the profits from the successful film He bought a club in Bournemouth and converted it into a nudist resort. [ref]Edward C. Walker; Nudist Invented Lava Lamp[/ref] Walker died in 2000 at the age of 82. https://youtu.be/21fiDawYWOk https://clothesfreelife.com/naturist-wiki/craven-walker/?_unique_id=63e2f568c1828

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