A few months ago we encountered Karen in an online group for naturist readers. We shared the naturist fiction genre and some book recommendations. Over the course of a couple conversations, Karen shared she was collecting cocktail recipes for a book that will be titled “Naked Cocktails!” She also shared a call for others to share their favorite cocktail recipes as she shared her own naked cocktail recipes:
“I invented a new cocktail last night: the Pomegranate Screwdriver. 2oz vodka, 2 oz 100% organic Pomegranate Juice (no sugar added), 1/2 T pomegranate liqueur, 1.5 oz Ipanema Pomegranate Bai. Stir and pour over ice in a highball glass.”
We wanted to introduce Karen to our readers and share her call for recipes to help her to gather more submissions for the book. Here is our recent interview. Step to the bar, mix a cocktail and enjoy.
CFL – What is NakedCocktails?
Karen – Naked Cocktails (drinks to be sipped with or without clothes) is a book I’m writing about cocktails. Here’s how it all began: I started creating my own cocktails during the pandemic. My husband and I are both retired and with so many things shut down, I had some difficulty in distinguishing one day from another. Over a period of time, I created Blue Monday Reimagined, Ruby Tuesday, Wildcard Wednesday (anything my heart desires), Thunderbolt Thursday, Frisky Friday, Saturday Night Fever, and Screwdriver Sunday (sometimes made with pomegranate juice and sometimes with tart cherry juice). If I’m feeling extra ambitious, I found a cocktail online which is not original to me, called “Holy Water”. Anytime I have difficulty in remembering what day it is, I just think about which cocktail I made the night before. If it was a Sunday Screwdriver, then I know today must be Monday. That’s how it all began. At this point, I have created way more cocktails than days in the week. I also have cocktails for special days, like Red, White, and Blueberries for the 4th of July and the Dubliner (not my original recipe) for St Patrick’s Day. I’m currently scouting for a suitable cocktail recipe for Ground Hog’s Day, as it is fast approaching and I do not want to miss the opportunity!
CFL – Where did the idea for the book come from?

Karen - I was sending a lot of cocktail recipes to online friends, so decided to put them together with their help, if they wished to contribute recipes of their own. I saw this as a way to create a collaborative effort among my nudist friends, as well as another way of connecting.
CFL – How will you gather the cocktail recipes?
Karen – I have created an online form using Bravenet.com where other nudists can go and enter their recipes by simply filling out the form with the cocktail name, ingredients and amounts, instructions, and some space for adding any little details about the drink that they seem would be appropriate to share, e.g. Is this a drink to give a toast on a special occasion, etc.
CFL – Tell us about yourself do you consider yourself a naturist or nudist?
Karen – I consider myself mostly a home nudist currently as the resort we belonged to was sold and is now textile only. I am an avid reader and have recently become very interested in astronomy. I confess to being a bit of a nerd and a compulsive exerciser. I recently checked “Astronomy for Dummies” out from our local library and almost did handstands when the librarian informed me that they also had a telescope that I could check out! I had no idea! I love getting into our jacuzzi at night and gazing up into the night sky, identifying the few planets and constellations that I recognize. We’ve had warmer than usual weather for January, but a lot of overcast skies. Last night was clear but quite cold. I bundled up and went out onto our deck and took some pics of Orion and Gemini with my phone. I could see Mars almost directly overhead but was not able to focus on it and get a good pic, but it was distinctly red. Advertisement I go to the gym almost every day just to read on the treadmill. I just prop up my Kindle and go! I have a treadmill at home, too, and used to read on TN cam in the nude almost every night, but my home treadmill has gotten a bit noisy. When I read to my TN friends on cam, it was mostly poetry and children’s stories that I read to my own children when they were growing up, e.g. “Charlotte’s Web”. I tried reading “Lassie Come-Home” but it was not a success because the main character is a dog, so there was not much dialogue.
CFL – How long have you been involved in social nudity? Do you regularly participate in social nudity activities?
Karen – My husband and I became involved in social nudity about 6 years ago. I created our joint account on TN “River_Folks” and later created my own account so that we could both log into chat at the same time. I attended 3 nudist house parties in NJ in 2022 and had a great time. Unfortunately, the travel time is 3 hours of grueling driving each way so that required the additional expense of meals out and at least 2 motel nights. I did make a lot of nudist friends there, however. I mentioned the nudist house parties in NJ, but have also had nudist guests over who are local to us on a couple of occasions. Since we rebuilt and extended our deck in our very private space (1/2 acre of woods) behind our house, I bought a jacuzzi and plan to create a bit of a nudist oasis by holding our own house parties for friends in the mid-Hudson region of NY.
CFL – How can someone to contribute recipes for the book?

Karen – They can go to ournakedcocktails.com and fill out the Bravenet form. All submissions come to me. They do not have to use their real names. I will get the email address that they send from but will only use it to thank them or to ask questions about the ingredients or instructions if something is unclear. Submit your favorites using the submission form at at
You can see a few of Karen’s cocktail recipe from the upcoming Our Naked Cocktails book in your
nudie foodie recipe section.
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