Saturday, February 4, 2023


welcome to the clothes free life nu Gymnosophy naturist wiki. This naturist wiki is a guide to all things naturist including naturism, nudism, nu gymnosophy and clothes free living. na·tur·ist ˈnāCHərəst/ noun Naturist may be used more specifically to refer to those who get naked to feel closer to nature. One who believes that it is good and healthy to wear no clothes, or the activity of doing this: A Wiki ([ˈwiː.kiː] or [ˈwɪ.kiː] ) is a type of website that allows users to add, remove, or otherwise edit and change most content very quickly and easily. - Wikipedia Modern naturism has a rich history. Though are many resources naturism exist, the internet doesn’t always provide the most accurate or authentic information. Sometimes information unrelated to authentic naturism, that distorts the naturist ethic and implicitly or explicitly exploits naturism will be encountered.  This naturist wiki is a resource for the discovery and preservation of  the knowledge and history of naturism.
Here you may learn how to get started with naturism, nu gymnosophy and clothes free living. and find places to visit. Browse naturist wiki topics or see the most popular naturist wiki topics. Our naturist wiki is a free wiki. We aim to crowdsource the most comprehensive naturist wiki while retainIng links to the early printed naturist  documents that are becoming less accessible. To become a contributor, simply use the edit or add article button on any wiki page and crowd source this naturist wiki.
naturist issues
Issues related to naturism. – Modern naturists face a variety of issues.

crowd source naturist wiki

You can help us crowd source the naturist wiki, just do it. Jump in and make useful edits to articles. You don’t need to be perfect or worry about making mistakes Here are some tips to help you make your contribution effective.
  • Your knowledge and experience count!
  • Don't worry about not being good enough.
  • No registration necessary
  • You don’t have to create a full article, just make a quick contribution the come back and add to it later. If you use external sources please credit them with links in endnotes and they will be converted into footnotes.
  • All articles are reviewed by an editor before publication.

naturist faq&a


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