There is an tenuous relationship between Catholicism and naturism. Throughout its history there have been several people of faith in the Catholic church who have practiced ascetic nudism.
Pope John II in his book
Love and Responsibility wrote about the compatibility between simple nudity and the Roman Catholic Church's teachings on modesty.
Sexual modesty cannot then in any simple way be identified with the use of clothing, nor shamelessness with the absence of clothing and total or partial nakedness. There are circumstances in which nakedness is not immodest. .. Nakedness as such is not to be equated with physical shamelessness. Immodesty is present only when nakedness plays a negative role with regard to the value of the person ... The human body is not in itself shamefu4 nor for the same reasons are sensual reactions, and human sensuality in general. Shamelessness (just like shame and modesty) is a function of the interior of a person.
naked saints
Some of the fervent religious practitioners of ascetic nudism were saints of the Catholic Church. Examples include.
St Ethelflaeda

St Ethelflaeda, lived in the 11th century, she was born of a noble house. When she came of age she became the third Abbess of Romsey Abbey a Benedictine order, where she had been educated. [ref]
VENERABLE MEREWENNA AND ETHELFLEDA OF ROMSEY [/ref] She followed in the footsteps of her mentor and teacher [ref]
Records of Romsey abbey: an account of the Benedictine house of nuns, with notes on the parish church and town (A.D. 907-1558)[/ref] She prayed nude nightly in secret in a river Test near the Abbey. [ref]
Nick Mayhew-Smith[/ref] St. Ethelflaeda sang psalms and prayed while in the river. One one occasion the queen Elfrida followed her and was distressed at witnessing this saint's expression of ascetic nudism. [ref]
St Ethelflaeda of Romsey[/ref] Icon: annasicons.co.uk
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