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Thursday, January 26, 2023
The rise of deep fake nudists - AI generated nudist personas online
Image posted to Reddit community r/unstable_diffussion
The rise of deep fake nudists is upon us. Are you ready for AI generated fake nudist social media accounts? Recently, author Nick Alimonos made a thoughtful video about what he calls the "image problem" facing naturism online. He shared his opinion that the focus on looking that dominates the engagement of nudism online creates a idyllic but unrealistic image of a nudist. Young, female and slim. I would also add white. The propagation of this kind of unrealistic nudist "image" is about to get easier.
The December 2022 edition of the Naturist Education Foundationnewsletter featured an article on AI generated nude photos and paintings. If you are unfamiliar with the rise of AI online google Chat GPT Midjourney and DALL-E (Stable Diffusion). They are all emerging proprietary and Open AI algorithms that seem able to generate written and visual content that seems human and real. Bare Oaks Naturist Park put ChatGPT to a naturism test. They found that the algorithm generated reasonably good responses to questions about naturism and nudism. It even wrote a poem about naturism.
Naturism, a way of life
Where the body is free and wild
Where the sun touches every inch
And there’s no need for a stitch
Where the grass is our bed
And the sky is overhead
Where we shed our clothes and our cares
And just be, without any fears
Where we embrace our natural form
And let go of any social norms
Where we are one with the earth
And let go of all that we’re worth
Naturism, a path to peace
Where we can find true release
From the chains that bind us tight
And let our spirits take flight.
Pretty good huh?
AI generated photos are showing up all over.
AI isn’t just generating text and writing. AI generated photos are showing up all over. AI is found in a variety of apps, including ones that generate fake nudes. Some apps proudly state that using them you can see anyone naked in a matter of seconds. Problem is that isn’t really the person, it a AI generated image facsimile ,a fake. Houston we do have an image problem.
Soon it may be hard to distinguish between real nudist accounts based on photos or text posts. I believe I already spotted one such account on at least one nudist site site already overrun by fake account, I also think a recent follower on Instagram is one of these fakes.
Why does it matter?
Nudist historian Evan Nicks wrote about some of the issues created by one of the AI algorithms Midjourney in a post on his Planet Nude newsletter/blog. The issue is the creators of Midjourney seem to have an anti nudity bias. The result of this bias is images generated by this platform related to nudity portray the body in a distorted way. It is perfect example of the old coding maxim bad input equals bad output. Said another way the output of these AI algorithms is dependent on the sensibilities and perceptions of the people who code them.
This isn’t a news to anyone who understands algorithm and coding. Algorithms have been in use for many years now. Algorithms drive the Google search engine. A few years ago it was discovered that a Google search of apes returned images of black people, a result attributed to coder bias. AI is also used to filer nudity of social media platforms like Instagram. Some AI ethicists have been warning that there is an issue of built in bias in AI algorithms that can do great harm.
Some of the potential harm comes from AI removing any last vestige of privacy or bodily control when it comes to a persons image online. One app is accused of creating nudes without any request or explicit permission from the user. Another that I will not link here can use existing clothed or unclothed photos to create explicit sexual images. Do you see where this is going? People already skittish about sharing nude photos online have even more to worry about. Web sites that use photos as a means of verification will no longer be able to rely on credibility of that process. With a Gmail email address and a few AI nudes an online persona is a reality. The self described naturist content creators could easily find themselves the subjects of pornography.
Additionally, the current focus on looking that permeates nudism online may be fed by a deluge of fake images that do not reflect the variety of bodies that exist in naturism. Big bodies, disabled bodies, black and brown bodies, old bodies may not make the cut. AI generated images that reflect the male gaze more than reality may become the norm. This will further distance the naturist way of life from its ethical, philosophical and communal values.
where do we go from here?
To be honest I am not sure where we go from here. The technology is here and it isn’t going away. All segments of society will have to deal with the ramifications not just naturists. I think it’s more of a question of how we go from here. How do naturist engage online in the age of the AI nudist? It is critical to get educated and not stick our heads in the sand. Now is not the time to pretend there isn’t a problem or abdicate any responsibility for the problem. We are consumers of of this AI output.
I think we need to listen to AI ethicists and join them in calling for ethical usage of the technology. I think we need to resist the current wave of thought that promotes naturism as nudity and looking. Instead we should refocus on naturism as a way of life with all that entails beyond mere nudity, photos and looking. What do you think bear your thoughts in the comments.
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